张振铎,中共党员,开云平台首页 经济管理学院企业管理研究所准聘助理教授。博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学工商管理专业,天主教鲁汶大学心理系联合培养博士。主要研究方向为建言行为、帮助行为与职业发展。近年来在Journal of Business Ethics(FT50,ABS3),Personality and Individual Differences(ABS3),Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources(ABS2)与Journal of Management & Organization(ABS2)等期刊上发表期刊论文20余篇。曾获得博士国家奖学金与留学基金委联合培养博士奖学金等奖项。现为美国管理学会与IACMR学会的会员,担任Psychological Reports,Internet Research与 Family Relations等SSCI期刊以及管理科学、南开管理评论与管理评论等中文期刊的同行评审专家。
[1] Zhang, Z., Xiao, H., Gao, W., Sun, M., & Sun, X. (2024). Information and communication technology availability demand and leadership behavior: A daily diary experience sampling method analysis[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 122, 103845.( First Online, ABS 3*, JCR Q1, IF:6.2, IF:11.3, 中科院1区Top)
[2]张振铎, 国佳宁, 李豪, 王宏蕾. (2024). 挑战还是阻断?平台算法压力对数字零工主动服务行为的影响机制. 心理科学进展 , 32(11), 1768-1785. (CSSCI)
[3] Zhang, Z., Xiao, H., Zheng, J., Shen, Y., & Sun, X. (2024). Weekly information communication technology availability demand and family experiences in dual‐earner couples: A perspective from the spillover–crossover model [J]. Applied Psychology. (First Online, ABS 3*, JCR Q1, IF:6.2)
[4] Zhang, Z., Shen, Y., Yang, M., Zheng, J.(2023). Harmonious passion and procrastination: An exploration based on actor–partner interdependence mode[J]. Iternational Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(12), 4407-4427. (ABS 3*, JCR Q1, IF:11.1).
[5] 张振铎,孙谋轩,郑俊巍,杨朦晰.信息技术压力与员工幸福感:来自周记经验取样法的证据[J].管理科学,2023,36(03):34-50. (国家自然科学基金委A类期刊, CSSCI, 中国人民大学复印资料全文转载)
[6] 张振铎,孙谋轩,钟杰.接受与给予帮助行为匹配对适应性绩效的影响[J].管理科学,2022,35(03):16-29. (国家自然科学基金委A类期刊, CSSCI, 中国人民大学复印资料全文转载)
[7] Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Zhang, L., & Zheng, J. (2022). Workplace cyberbullying and interpersonal deviance: Roles of depletion and perceived supervisor support. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 60(4, SI), 832–854. (ABS 2*, JCR Q2, IF:3.2, WOS: 000670322700001)
[8] Zhang, Z., Zheng, J., Cheng, B., & Zhong, J. (2022). Is a mindful worker more attentive? The role of moral self-efficacy and moral disengagement. Ethics & Behavior, 32(2), 162–177. (JCR Q2, IF:2.0, WOS: 000603939200001)
[9] Zhang, Z., Xiao, H., Zhang, L., & Zheng, J. (2022). Linking Cyberbullying to Job Strain: Roles of Ego Depletion and Self-Efficacy. Journal Of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma, 31(6), 798–815. (JCR Q2, IF:1.8, WOS: 000656738200001)
[10] Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Xiao, H., & Zheng, J. (2021). Information quality, media richness, and negative coping: A daily research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality And Individual Differences, 176. (ABS 3*, JCR Q2, IF:4.3, WOS: 000632251200012)
[11] Zhang, Z., Xiao, H., Gou, X., Li, M., & Zheng, J. (2021). “I didn’t want to do, but I am happy to now!” Affect, voice and in-role performance. Kybernetes, 50(5), 1467–1482. (JCR Q3, IF:2,5, WOS: 000547929600001)
[12] Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Zheng, J., Xiao, H., & Li, Z. (2020). COVID-19-Related Disruptions and Increased mHealth Emergency Use Intention: Experience Sampling Method Study. JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 8(12), e20642. (JCR Q1, IF:5.0, WOS: 000617703600001)
[13] Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Wang, H., & Zheng, J. (2020). Linking supervisor developmental feedback to in-role performance: The role of job control and perceived rapport with supervisors. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-16. (ABS2*, JCR Q2, IF:3.3)
[14] Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Xiu, J., & Zheng, J. (2020). Learning from your leaders and helping your coworkers: The trickle-down effect of leader helping behavior. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 41(6), 883–894. (ABS1*, JCR Q2, IF:4.9, WOS: 000552842400001)
[15] Zhang, Z., Li, P., Zhang, L., Zheng, J., & Xue, Z. (2022). Helping neighbors and enhancing yourself: A spillover effect of helping neighbors on work-family conflict and thriving at work. Current Psychology, 41(6), 3539-3550. (ABS 1*, JCR Q2, IF:2.8)
[16] Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Zu, X., Liu, T., & Zheng, J. (2019). From Neighboring Behavior to Mental Health in the Community: The Role of Gender and Work-Family Conflict. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(12), 2101. (JCR Q2, IF:4.6, WOS: 000473750500035)
[17] Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Zheng, J., Cheng, B., & Rahmadani, V. G. (2019). Supervisor Developmental Feedback and Voice: Relationship or Affect, Which Matters? Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1755. (ABS 1*, JCR Q1, IF:3.8, WOS: 000480573800001)
[18] 万鹏宇,郑俊巍,张振铎#.勿让亲密成为负担:上下级情感关系对员工突破式创新的双刃剑作用[J].心理科学,2023. (CSSCI, 通讯作者, 已录用)
[19] Cheng, B., Zhang, Z.#, & Peng, Y. (2023). Linking negative workplace gossip to deviant workplace behavior: A social cognitive perspective. Current Psychology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04854-0 (ABS 1*, JCR Q2, IF:2.8, Corresponding Author)
[20]万鹏宇,王弘钰,张振铎#. (2023). 越轨创新行为旁观者效应的分水岭及其积极影响. 软科学 (01), 109-116. doi:10.13956/j.ss.1001-8409.2023.01.15. (CSSCI, 通讯作者)
[21]王慧,周小丰,夏天添,张振铎#.产业创新实验室的高创新效率模式——基于“物理-事理-人理”理论的组态分析[J].科技管理研究,2022,42(14):71-78. (CSSCI, 通讯作者)
[22] Xiu, J., Zhang, Z. #, Fan, Y., & Zheng, J. (2022). Does Giving and Receiving Helping Behavior Fit Matter? The Role of Neighboring Behavior Fit in Working Residents’ Mental Health. Frontiers In Public Health, 10. (JCR Q1, IF:5.2, Correspondence, WOS: 000822554900001)
[23] Bao, X., Gao, W., Shen, Y., Zhang, Z. #, & Shao, X. (2023). Helping others but Hurting Yourself? The underlying mechanism linking helping behavior to task performance. Heliyon, 9(11). (JCR Q2, IF:4,0)
[1] Peng, Y., Cheng, B., Tian, J., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., & Zhou, K. (2023). How, when, and why high job performance is not always good: A three‐way interaction model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(1), 81-96. (ABS 4*, JCR Q1, IF:6.8)
[2] Cheng, B., Dong, Y., Zhang, Z., Shaalan, A., Guo, G., & Peng, Y. (2022). When Targets Strike Back: How Negative Workplace Gossip Triggers Political Acts by Employees. Journal of Business Ethics, 175(2), 289–302. (ABS 3*, FT50, JCR Q1, IF:6.1, WOS: 000578025900005)
[3] Zheng, J., Gu, Y., Zhang, Z., Xie, H., Li, P., & Li, H. (2022). The relationship between empowering leadership and project performance: A resource perspective. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 20(7), 2969-2990. (JCR Q2, IF:4.1, WOS: 000783828200001)
[4] Lyu, M., Sun, B., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Linking online voice to workplace cyberbullying: Roles of job strain and moral efficacy, 52(5), 1778-1794. Kybernetes. (JCR Q3, IF:2,5, WOS: 000749573000001)
[5] Zheng, J., Zhang, Z., Wu, G., Yang, Y., Xia, N., & Liu, B. (2021). Daily Self-Efficacy, Work Engagement, and Deviance Behavior among Construction Professionals and Workers: Cross-Level Moderating Role of Job Control. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(4). (JCR Q1, IF:5.1, WOS: 000656446400022)
[6] Tiantian, X., Zhenduo, Z., Huan, X., Jing, X., & Wentong, J. (2021). The Curvilinear Relationship Between Job Control and Voice: Role of Emotional Resistance to Change and Supervisor Developmental Feedback. Sage Open, 11(2), 21582440211027850. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211027960 (JCR Q2, IF:2.0, WOS: 000691393700001)
[7] Xiao, H., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, L. (2021). An investigation on information quality, media richness, and social media fatigue during the disruptions of COVID-19 pandemic. Current Psychology,42(3), 2488-2499. (ABS 1*, JCR Q2, IF:2.8, WOS: 000695357300002)
[8] Chen, L., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., & Gao, H. (2021). Does emotional resistance to change definitely stifle voice behavior? Revealing the reversal effect of humble leadership. Current Psychology, 40(11), 5333–5348. (ABS 1*, JCR Q2, IF:2.8, WOS: 000493631600001)
[9] Zu, X., Zhang, Z., Wu, Y., & Zheng, J. (2020). The Spillover Effects of Supportive Neighboring Behavior on Mental Health and Career Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Research on Chinese Low-Income Employees. Psychology Research And Behavior Management, 13, 507–515. (JCR Q1, IF:4.3, WOS: 000540789500001)
[10] Chen, L., Zhang, Z.-D., & Jia, W.-T. (2020). When and Why Leaders’ Helping Behavior Promotes Employees’ Thriving: Exploring the Role of Voice Behavior and Perceived Leader’s Role Overload. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 11. (ABS 1*, JCR Q1, IF:3.8, WOS: 000579076600001)
[11] Zu, X., Wu, Y., Song, Y., & Zhang, Z. (2020). The Effect of Received Neighboring Behavior on General Health: The Mediating Role of Work-Family Conflict. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 32(5), 250–257. https://doi.org/10.1177/1010539520928187 (JCR Q3, IF:2.5, WOS: 000542315700001)
[12] Du, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhang, Z. (2019). Resources Matter: Combined Influence of Job Demands and Job Control on Creative Process Engagement. Journal of Psychology, 153(2), 141–160. (JCR Q2,IF:2.7, WOS: 000467983500002)
哈尔滨工业大学  工商管理  Doctoral Degree
中国科学院大学  企业管理  Master's Degree
中国青年政治学院  劳动与社会保障  Bachelor's Degree
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