Xinchen Ye
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Journal Paper

15. Xinchen Ye*, Shude Chen, Rui Xu, DPNet: Detail-Preserving Network for High Quality Monocular Depth Estimation, Pattern Recognition, Accepted, 2020.

14. Xinchen Ye, Baoli Sun, Zhihui Wang*, Jingyu Yang, Rui Xu, Haojie Li, Baopu Li, PMBANet: Progressive Multi-Branch Aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Accepted, 2020. 

13. Xinchen Ye*, Mingliang Zhang, Jingyu Yang, Xin Fan, Fangfang Guo, A Sparsity-Promoting Image Decomposition Model for Depth Recovery, Pattern Recognition, DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107506, 2020. 

12. Xinchen Ye; Zheng Li; Baoli Sun; Zhihui Wang*; Rui Xu; Haojie Li; Xin Fan; Deep Joint Depth Estimation and Color Correction from Monocular Underwater Images based on Unsupervised Adaptation Networks, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2019.2958950, 2020. 

11. Zhihui Wang; Xinchen Ye*; Baoli Sun; Jingyu Yang; Rui Xu, Haojie Li; Depth Upsampling based on Deep Edge-Aware Learning, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition, DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107274, 2020. 

10. Mingliang Zhang; Xinchen Ye*; Xin Fan; Wei Zhong; Unsupervised Depth Estimation from Monocular Videos with Hybrid Geometric-refined Loss and Contextual Attention, Neurocomputing, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.10.107, 2020. 

9. Xinchen Ye*; Xiang Ji; Baoli Sun; Shenglun Chen; Zhihui Wang; Haojie Li; DRM-SLAM: Towards Dense Reconstruction of Monocular SLAM with Scene Depth Fusion, Neurocomputing, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.02.044, 2020.

8. Mingliang Zhang; Xinchen Ye*; Xin Fan; Unsupervised Detail-Preserving Network for High Quality Monocular Depth Estimation, Neurocomputing,  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.05.015, 2020. 

7. Rui Xu, Zhen Cong, Xinchen Ye*, Pulmonary Textures Classification via a Multi-Scale Attention Network, IEEE journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2950006, 2019. 

6. Jingyu Yang, Zhongyu Jiang, Xinchen Ye, Kun Li; Depth Super-Resolution with Color Guidance: A Review, Book chapter, pp 51-65, RGB-D Image Analysis and Processing, Springer, 2019 

5. Jingyu Yang, Xinchen Ye*, Pascal Frossard, Global autoregressive depth recovery via non-local iterative filtering, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, 65(1), 123-137, 2018.

4. Jingyu Yang, Xuemeng Yang, Xinchen Ye* and Chunping Hou. Reconstruction of Structurally-Incomplete Matrices with Reweighted Low-rank and Sparsity Priors, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1158-1172, 2017. 

3. Xinchen Ye, Jingyu Yang, Xin Sun, Kun Li, Chunping Hou, Yao Wang, Foreground-Background Separation from Video Clips via Motion Assisted Matrix Restoration, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1721-1734, 2015. 

2. Xinchen Ye, Jingyu Yang, Hao Huang, Chunping Hou, Yao Wang, Computational Multi-view Imaging with Kinect, IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 540-554, 2014. 

1. Jingyu Yang, Xinchen Ye*, Kun Li, Chunping Hou, Yao Wang, Color-Guided Depth Recovery From RGB-D Data Using an Adaptive Autoregressive ModelIEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 3443 - 3458, 2014. 

Conference Paper

20. Xinchen Ye*, Baoli Sun, Zhihui Wang, Jingyu Yang, Rui Xu, Haojie Li, Baopu Li, Depth Super-Resolution via Deep Controllable Slicing Network, ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2020, Seattle, USA. (CCF-A)

19. Xinchen Ye*, Mingliang Zhang, Xin Fan, Rui Xu, Juncheng Pu, Ruoke Yan, Cascaded Detail-Aware Network for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation, ICME 2020, London, UK. (CCF-B)

18. Rui Xu, Tiantian Liu, Xinchen Ye*, Yen-Wei Chen, Boosting Connectivity in Retinal Vessel Segmentation via a Recursive Semantics-Guided Network, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru. (医学顶级会议)

17. Rui Xu, Zhen Cong, Xinchen Ye*, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Uuspervised Content-Preserved Adaptation Network for Classification of Pulmonary Textures from different CT Scanners, IEEE ICASSP, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. (CCF-B)

16. Rui Xu, Xinchen Ye*, Guiliang Jiang, Tiantian Liu, Liang Li, Satoshi Tanaka, Retinal Vessel Segmentation via A Semantics and Multi-Scale Aggregation Network, IEEE ICASSP, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. (CCF-B)

15. Xinchen Ye*, Mingliang Zhang, Rui Xu, Wei Zhong, Xin Fan, Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation based on Dual Attention Mechanism and Depth-Aware Loss. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2019, Shanghai, China. (CCF-B)

14. Jingyu Yang, Wenqiang Xu, Xinchen Ye, Pascal Frossard and Kun Li*, Graph Based Non-Uniform Sampling and Reconstruction of Depth Maps, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. (CCF-C)

13. Xinchen Ye*, Hongcan Xu, Xiang Ji, Rui Xu, Underwater Image Enhancement using Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks. Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, PCM 2018, Hefei, China. (CCF-C)

12. Xinchen Ye*, Mingliang Zhang, Qianyu Yan, Xin Fan, Zhongxuan Luo, Image Denoising Based on Non-Parametric ADMM Algorithm. Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, PCM 2018, Hefei, China. (CCF-C)

11. Rui Xu, Guiliang Jiang, Xinchen Ye*, Yen-Wei Chen, Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Multiscaled Deep-Guidance, Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, PCM 2018, Hefei, China. (CCF-C)

10. Xiang Ji, Xinchen Ye*, Hongcan Xu, Haojie Li, Dense Reconstruction from Monocular SLAM with Fusion of Sparse Map-Points and CNN-Inferred Depth. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2018, San Diego, USA. (CCF-B)

9. Xiangyue Duan, Xinchen Ye*, Yang Li, Haojie Li, High Quality Depth Estimation from Monocular Images Based on Depth Prediction and Enhancement Sub-Networks. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2018, San Diego, USA. (CCF-B)

8. Xinchen Ye*, Xiangyue Duan, Haojie Li, Depth Super-Resolution With Deep Eedge-Inference Network and Edege-Guided Depth Filling. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (CCF-B)

7. Rui Xu, Zhen Cong, Xinchen Ye*, Pulmonary Textures Classification Using A Deep Neural Network with Appearence and Geometry Cues, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (CCF-B)

6. Yujie Wang, Kun Li, Jingyu Yang*, Xinchen Ye. Intrinsic Decomposition from A Single RGB-D Image with Sparse and Non-local Priors. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2017, Hongkong, China. (CCF-B) 

5. Xinchen Ye, Xiaolin Song and Jingyu Yang*. Depth Recovery via Decomposition of Polynomial and Piece-wise Constant Signals. Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2016, Chengdu, China.

4. Jinghui Bai, Jingyu Yang and Xinchen Ye. Depth Refinement for Binocular Kinect RGB-D Cameras. Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2016, Chengdu, China.

3. Jingyu Yang, Xuemeng Yang and Xinchen Ye. Completion of Structurally-Incomplete Matrices with Reweighted Low-rank and Sparsity Priors (ReLaSP). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2016, pp. 1189-1193, Shanghai, China. (CCF-B)

2. Jingyu Yang, Xin Sun, Xinchen Ye and Kun Li, Background Extraction from Video Sequences via Motion-assisted Matrix Completion, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2014, pp. 2437-2441, Paris, France. (CCF-B)

1. Jingyu Yang, Xinchen Ye, Kun Li and Chunping Hou. Depth Recovery using an Adaptive Colorguided Auto-Regressive Model, European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012, pp. 158-171, Venice, Italy.  (CCF-B)

Personal information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:IEEE member, ACM member

Other Post:None


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:School of Software Technology

Discipline:Software Engineering

Business Address:Teaching Building C507, Campus of Development Zone, Dalian, China.


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