Xu Yunze
Associate Professor


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主要从事于复杂海洋与流体环境下的船舶与海洋结构物耦合损伤监测与评估方法研究,主持国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、博士后站前特别资助、博士后面上资助和企事业横向项目多项,重点参与十二五十三五国家科技重大专项两项、国家自然科学基金面上项目两项。在Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、npj Materials Degradation》、《Wear》、《Corrosion Science》、《Ocean Engineering》等高水平SCI期刊上发表论文50余篇,其中第1作者/通讯作者论文40篇,授权发明专利7项,担任《Corrosion Science》、《Scientific Reports》、《Wear》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry》等多本SCI期刊审稿人。

指导学生获得研究生国家奖学金、美国船级社ABS奖学金、法国船级社BV奖学金等多项荣誉。所在团队科研经费充足、研究方向面向国家需求,为每一个学生制定个性化的培养方案及对口的项目实习机会,支持学生参加国内外会议和学术交流,欢迎热爱船舶与海洋工程事业、热爱开云体育nba 的同学(博士生、研究生、大创、毕设、本科生科研助手等形式)加入课题组!

1. 教育背景 

2016.12--2018.12 澳大利亚迪肯大学 前沿材料研究中心(IFM) 联合培养博士

2012.09--2019.04 开云平台首页          船舶工程学院                        工学博士(硕博连读)

2008.09--2012.07 华中科技大学         船舶与海洋工程学院            工学学士

2. 工作经历

2021.06--至今       开云平台首页      船舶工程学院           副教授

2019.04-2021.06   开云平台首页      土木工程学院           博士后

3. 主要荣誉

入选中国科协青年人才托举工程、辽宁省自然科学基金优秀青年基金、大连市优秀青年科技人才、中国博士后科学基金资助者选介(全国每年100人)、大连市青年才俊、星海骨干培育计划、辽宁省优秀博士学位论文、开云平台首页 “博士学术之星”

4. 学术兼职

中国腐蚀与防护学报青年编委、装备环境工程青年编委、材料导报青年编委、Metals期刊Topical Advisory Panel Member、Frontiers in Materials期刊Review Editor

5. 主要研究课题





6. 代表性论文

[1] Zhang Q. L., Hao L., Chen W. B., Huang Y., Xu Y. Z.* Understanding the effect of cathodic reaction on corrosion-enhanced erosion in sand-entraining electrolyte. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2025, 209: 103-116.

[2] Xu Y. Z., Huang Y., Wang X. N., Lin X. Q. Experimental study on pipeline internal corrosion based on a new kind of electrical resistance sensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 224: 37-47.

[3] Wang M. Y., Tan M. Y. J., Zhu Y. S., Huang Y., Xu Y. Z.* Probing top-of-the-line corrosion using coupled multielectrode array in conjunction with local electrochemical measurement. npj Materials Degradation, 2023, 7:16. Nature合作期刊)

[4] Xu Y. Z., Tan M. Y. Probing the initiation and propagation of flow accelerated corrosion and erosion corrosion under simulated turbulent flow conditions. Corrosion Science, 2019, 151: 163-174.

[5] Xu Y. Z., Tan M. Y. Visualising the dynamic processes of flow accelerated corrosion and erosion corrosion using an electrochemically integrated electrode array. Corrosion Science, 2018, 139: 438-443.

[6] Laleh M., Xu Y. Z. Tan M. Y., A three-dimensional electrode array probe designed for visualising complex and dynamically changing internal pipeline corrosion. Corrosion Science, 2023, 211: 110924.

[7] He L. M., Zhang Q. L., Chen W. B., Wang Y. H., Wang M. Y., Huang Y., Xu Y. Z.* Unraveling short-term O2 contamination on under deposit corrosion of X65 pipeline steel in CO2 saturated solution. Corrosion Science, 2024, 233: 112113.

[8] Zhu Y. S., Xu Y. Z.*, Wang M. Y., Wang X. N., Liu G., Huang Y.* Understanding the influences of temperature and microstructure on localized corrosion of subsea pipeline weldment using an integrated multi-electrode array. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 189: 106351.

[9] Xu Y. Z., Zhang Q. L., Zhou Q. P., Gao S., Wang B., Wang X. N., Huang Y. Flow accelerated corrosion and erosion−corrosion behavior of marine carbon steel in natural seawater. npj Materials Degradation, 2021, 5: 56. Nature合作期刊)

[10] Xu Y. Z.*, Zhang Q. L., Ren W. B., Wang M. H., Chen H., Zou X. H., Sun X. J.*, Huang Y. Interaction of erosion and corrosion on high-strength steels used for marine dredging engineering. Wear, 2024, 544-545: 205309.

[11] Xu Y. Z., Zhang Q. L., Gao S., Wang X. N., Huang Y. Exploring the effects of sand impacts and anodic dissolution on localized erosion-corrosion in sand entraining electrolyte. Wear, 2021, 478-479: 203907.

[12] Xu Y. Z., Liu L., Zhou Q. P., Wang X. N., Huang Y. Understanding the influences of pre-corrosion on the erosion-corrosion of pipeline steel. Wear, 2020, 442-443: 203151.

[13] Liu L., Xu Y. Z.*, Xu C. B., Wang X. N., Huang Y. Detecting and monitoring erosion-corrosion using ring pair electrical resistance sensor in conjunction with electrochemical measurements. Wear, 2019, 428-429: 328-339.

[14] Xu Y. Z.*, Zhang Q. L., Chen H., Huang Y.*, Understanding the interaction between erosion and corrosion of pipeline steel in acid solution of different pH. Journal of Materials Research & Technology, 2023, 25: 6550-6566.

[15] Xu Y. Z., Zhang Q. L., Chen H., Zhao Y. B., Huang Y. Experimental study on erosion-corrosion of carbon steel in flowing NaCl solution of different pH. Journal of Materials Research & Technology, 2022. 20: 4432-4451.

[16] Liu L., Xu Y. Z.*, Zhu Y. S., Wang X. N., Huang Y. The roles of fluid hydrodynamics, mass transfer, rust layer and macro-cell current on flow accelerated corrosion of carbon steel in oxygen containing electrolyte. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167: 141510.

[17] Zhu Y. S., Xu Y. Z.*, Li K. T., Wang X. N., Liu G., Huang Y. Experimental study on non-uniform corrosion of elbow-to-pipe weldment using multiple ring form electrical resistance sensor array. Measurement, 2019, 138: 8-24.

[18] Liu L., Xu Y. Z.*, Wang Z. M., Li G. D., Wang X. N., Huang Y*. Probing and separating corrosion and erosion of pipeline steel using electrical resistance method in conjunction with electrochemical measurements. Measurement, 2021, 183: 109797.

[19] Zhu Y. S., Hu B. W., Hu T. Y., Xia D. H., Huang Y., Xu Y. Z.* Probing and evaluating non-uniform corrosion behavior of pipe weldment using an array of coupled multi-ring form electrical resistance sensor. Measurement, 2023, 208: 112479.

[20] Liu L., Song G. L., Xu Y. Z.*, Huang Y. On-line detection of 3D non-uniform erosion-corrosion damage in a reducer using an innovated ring-pair-electrical-resistance-sensor array. Measurement, 2025, 243: 116433.

[21] Zhang Q. L., Jiang W. H., Wang Z. J., Wang L. D., Huang Y., Xu Y. Z.* Evaluation of corrosion and erosion-corrosion behavior of X65 pipeline steel in flowing CO2-saturated electrolyte. Corrosion, 2023, 79: 1-18.

[22] Xu Y. Z., Yang L. J., He L. M., Huang Y., Wang X. N. The monitoring of galvanic corrosion behaviour caused by mineral deposit in pipeline working conditions using ring form electronic resistance sensor system. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 2016, 51(8): 606-620.

[23] Xu Y. Z., Zhu Y. S., Liu L. He L. M., Wang X. N., Huang Y. The study of the localized corrosion caused by mineral deposit using novel designed multi-electrode sensor system. Materials and Corrosion, 2017, 68: 632-644.

[24] He L. M., Xu Y. Z.*, Wang X. N., Huang Y*. Understanding the propagation of nonuniform corrosion on a steel surface covered by marine sand. Corrosion, 2019, 75: 1487-1501.

[25] 徐云泽, 黄一, 盈亮, 杨飞, 李兵, 王晓娜 管线钢在沉积物下的腐蚀行为及有机膦缓蚀剂的作用效果. 金属学报, 2016, 3: 320-330.

[26] Xu Y. Z., Liu L., Xu C. B., Wang X. N., Tan M. Y., Huang Y. Electrochemical characteristics of the dynamic progression of erosion-corrosion under different flow conditions and their effects on corrosion rate calculation. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2020.10: 2511-2524.

[27] Wang M. Y., Zhao X. Y., Gao S., Zhu Y. S., Zheng Y., Huang Y., Xu Y. Z.* Visualizing and understanding corrosion evolution beneath a condensed droplet using the multi-electrode array. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 684: 133252.

Research Group

[1]Name of Research Group:船舶与海洋工程结...


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