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    马沧海,教授,博士生导师,现任开云平台首页 化工学院化学工程系副系主任。入选国家级青年人才、辽宁省“兴辽计划”青年拔尖人才、“兴辽英才”博士后储备项目。2006、2008年先后获华中科技大学本科、硕士学位,2012年获美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)化学工程博士学位。博士师从世界著名膜科学家、美国工程院院士William Koros教授,致力于先进膜材料、膜分离技术及其工业应用研究。主要工作以第一或通讯作者发表在Nat. Commun.(2篇)Adv. Funct. Mater.(1篇)、AIChE J.(1)、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、ChemSusChem、J. Membr. Sci.(7篇)、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.等期刊,申请21余项专利,持有5项美国专利和4项中国专利。





l  国家级青年人才(2020)

l  辽宁省“兴辽英才”博士后储备项目(2024)

l  IChemE & CCST杰出青年科学家奖(2023)

l   Results in Engineering工程前沿杰出青年科学家奖(2023)

l  ISPT国际分离纯化技术大会青年膜科学家奖(2022)

l  第一届中国科技青年论坛三等奖(2022)

l  开云平台首页 学术成果奖励(科技)二等奖(2022,排名1)

l  开云平台首页 化工学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖(2022)

l  辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才(2021)

l  大连市高端引进人才(2021)

l  开云平台首页 星海青千A(2020)

l  香港蒋震海外奖学金


l  Carbon Capture Science & Technology客座编辑

l  Green Energy & Environment青年编委

l  Advanced Membranes青年编委

l  中国博士后基金评审专家

l  海智百人计划专家


  1. [1]   F. Fan et al., Fluorinated-cardo-based thermally rearranged membranes with enhanced gas separation performance for CO2 capture and hydrogen separation,  J. Membr. Sci. , 2025, under revision

  2. [2]   Y. Sun et. al, Mixed matrix membranes incorporating bromine functionalized UiO-66 in the Tröger's base polymer for enhanced CO2 capture, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2025, under revision

  3. [3]   Y. Sun et. al, Hydrogen-bond crosslinking of Trӧger's base polymer membranes for enhanced gas selectivity and plasticization resistance, J. Membr. Sci. , 2025, under revision

  4. [4]   L. Bai, Y. Sun, T. Li, J. Guan, Y. Liu, G. He, C. Ma*, Enhanced Ethylene/ Ethane Separation Using Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes Derived from Polybenzoxazole-Based Polyimides, J. Membr. Sci. , 2024,123649.

  5. [5]   X. Chen, Z. Zhang, S. Xu, B. Zhang*, Y. Qin, C. Ma*, G. He*, N. Li*, Formation of atomically distributed Al-F3 nanoparticles towards precisely modulating pore Size of carbon molecular sieve gas separation membranes, Nat. Commun.2024, accepted

  6. [6]   H. Li, Y. Sun, Q. Zhao, G. He, C. Ma*, Model Prediction of Gas Permeability of Mixed Matrix Membranes and their Fillers, Sep. Purif. Technol., 354 (2025) 129338

  7. [7]   X. Wang, F. Fan, Y. Sun, J. Zhang, C. Ma*, G. He*, Decarboxylation of Cross-linkable Triptycene-based Polyimides for CO2 Separation, AIChE Journal, 2024, e18471 

  8. [8]   Q. Zhao, Y. Sun, J. Zhang, F. Fan, T. Li, G. He, C. Ma*, Mixed matrix membranes incorporating amino-functionalized ZIF-8-NH2 in a carboxylic polyimide for molecularly selective gas separation, J. Membr. Sci. 693 (2023) 122336 

  9. [9]   J. Zhang, Y. Sun, F. Fan, Q. Zhao, G. He, C. Ma*, Enhanced mechanical robustness and separation performance in triptycene modulated thermally rearranged copolyimide membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 688 (2023), 122115

  10. [10]  Y. Sun, F. Fan, L. Bai, T. Li, J. Guan, F. Sun, Y. Liu, W. Xiao, G. He, C. Ma*Hydrogen-bonded Hybrid Membranes Based on Hydroxylated Metal-organic Frameworks and PIM-1 for Ultrafast Hydrogen Separation, Results in Engineering, 20 (2023)101398 (RIE杰出青年科学家奖)

  11. [11]   Y. Sun, J. Zhang, H. Li, F. Fan, Q. Zhao, G. He, C. Ma*, Ester-crosslinked Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity Membranes with Enhanced Plasticization Resistance for CO2 Separation, Sep. Purif. Technol., 314(2023) 123623

  12. [12]   F. Fan, Y. Sun, Q. Zhao, J. Zhang, J. Guan, G. He, C. Ma*, Fluorinated-cardo-based Co-polyimide membranes with enhanced selectivity for CO2 separation, Sep. Purif. Technol., 324 (2023) 124511

  13. [13]   Y. Sun, X. Wang, X. Li, W. Xiao, Y. Dai, C. Ma*, G. He*, Recent developments of anti-plasticized membranes for aggressive CO2 separation, Green Chem. Eng.,4 (2023) 1–16

  14. [14]   X. Chen, Y. Fan, L. Wu, L. Zhang, D. Guan, C. Ma*, N. Li*, Ultra-selective molecular-sieving gas separation membranes enabled by multi-covalent-crosslinking of microporous polymer blends, Nat. Commun. 12, 6140 (2021) 

  15. [15]   L. Wu, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, S. Xu, C. Ma*, N. Li*, “Enhanced molecular selectivity and plasticization resistance in ring-opened Tröger's base polymer membranes”, J. Membr. Sci., 634 (2021) 119399 

  16. [16]    X. Yang, W. Zheng, Y. Xia, W. Guan, X. Yan, X. Ruan, C. Ma, Y. Dai*, G. He*, "Constructing low-resistance and high-selectivity transport multi-channels in mixed matrix membranes for efficient CO2 separation", J. Membr. Sci., 624 (2021) 119046

  17. [17]    C. Ma, X. Li, J. Zhang*, Y. Liu*, J.J. Urban*, “Pyrazine-fused porous graphitic framework-based mixed matrix membranes for enhanced gas separations”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12(14): 16922-16929

  18. [18]    L. Hackl, C. Hsu, M. Gordon, K. Chou, C. Ma, M. Kolaczkowski, C. Anderson, Y. Liu, J. Guo, P. Ercius, J.J. Urban*, “Sugar-alcohol@ZIF nanocomposites display suppressed phase-change temperatures”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 23795

  19. [19]    C. Ma, J. J. Urban*, “Hydrogen-­bonded polyimide/metal­-organic framework hybrid membranes for ultra­-fast separations of multiple gas pairs”, Adv. Funct. Mater.,2019, 29, 1903243

  20. [20]    C. Ma, J. J. Urban*, “Enhanced CO2 capture and hydrogen purification byhydroxy metal-organic framework/polyimide mixed matrix membranes”, ChemSusChem., 2019, 12, 4405-4411

  21. [21]   C. Hsu, C. Ma, N. Bui, Z. Song, A. Wilson, R. Kostecki, K. Diederichsen, B. McCloskey, J.J. Urban*, “Enhanced forward osmosis desalination with a hybrid ionic liquid/hydrogel thermo-responsive draw agent system”, ACS Omega, 2019, 4, 4296-4303

  22. [22]    C. Ma, W. J. Koros*, “Physical aging of ester-cross-linked hollow fiber membranes for natural gas separations and mitigation thereof”, J. Membr. Sci., 551 (2018) 214-221

  23. [23]    C. Ma, J. J. Urban*, “Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) Gas Separation Membranes: a mini Review”, Proc. Nat. Res. Soc., 202002 (2018) 1-19

  24. [24]    S. Fu, G. Wenz, E. Sanders, S. Kulkarni, W. Qiu, C. Ma, W. J. Koros*, “Effects of pyrolysis conditions on gas separation properties of 6FDA/DETDA: DABA (3:2) derived carbon molecular sieve membranes”, J. Membr. Sci.,520 (2016) 699-711

  25. [25]    L. Liu, W. Qiu, E. Sanders, C. Ma, W. J. Koros*, “Post-combustion carbon dioxide capture via 6FDA/BPDA-DAM hollow fiber membranes at sub-ambient temperatures”, J. Membr. Sci., 510 (2016) 447-454

  26. [26]    C. Ma, C. Zhang, Y. Labreche, S. Fu, L. Liu, W. J. Koros*, “Thin-skinned intrinsically defect-free asymmetric mono-esterified hollow fiber precursors for crosslinkable polyimide gas separation membranes’, J. Membr. Sci., 493 (2015) 252-262

  27. [27]   C. Ma, W. J. Koros*, “Effects of hydrocarbon and water impurities on CO2/CH4 separation performance of ester-crosslinked hollow fiber membranes”, J. Membr. Sci., 451 (2014) 1-9

  28. [28]    C. Ma, W. J. Koros*, “Ester-crosslink able composite hollow fiber membranes for CO2 removal from natural gas”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (31) 10495–10505

  29. [29]   C. Ma, W. J. Koros*, “High-performance ester-crosslinked hollow fiber membranes for natural gas separations”, J. Membr. Sci., 428 (2013) 251–259

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
    2020.3 至今
    • 开云平台首页
    • 教授
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 膜材料功能化设计与合成:聚合物,碳分子筛,金属有机骨架材料(MOFs),二维材料等

  • 膜设计与制备:混合基质膜,中空纤维膜制备及形成机制,复合中空纤维膜等

  • 中空纤维膜组件设计与组装:中空纤维膜纺丝技术,及膜组件设计、组装与测试

  • 气体膜分离技术:CO2捕获,天然气浓缩,空气分离,氢气提纯,烯烃/烷烃分离等

团队成员Research Group


参与由贺高红教授负责的基金委创新研究群体项目:气体分离和新能源膜与膜工程(项目批准号:22021005),¥1000万, 2021-2025
