助理教授 Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:Chongqing University
Degree:Doctoral Degree
School/Department:School of economics and management
Discipline:Project Management. Environmental Management. Management Science and Engineering
Business Address:D520
Contact Information:gjxin29@dlut.edu.cn
2017.9 -- 2020.6
重庆大学  管理科学与工程  Doctoral Degree
2015.9 -- 2017.6
重庆大学  管理科学与工程  Master's Degree
2011.9 -- 2015.7
天津大学  计算机科学与技术  Bachelor's Degree
2020.8 -- Now
开云平台首页 经济与管理学院 准聘助理教授
高景鑫,天津大学计算机科学与技术专业工学学士学位,重庆大学管理科学与工程专业硕士、博士学位,开云平台首页 经济管理学院助理教授。
[1] 考虑用能行为的城镇居住建筑节能改造能效预测模型及应用研究. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,在研,主持
[2] 考虑全寿命期节能目标约束的城镇居住建筑更新决策研究. 教育部人文社会开云体育nba 项目,在研,主持
[3] 碳中和视角下辽宁省城镇建筑节能总控分析与目标分解,辽宁省哲学社会科学规划基金一般项目,在研,主持
[1] 新型城镇化发展进程中的项目治理研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2018.1-2022.12,在研,参与
[2] 平台企业治理研究,国家社会科学基金重大项目,2021-2025,在研,参与
[3] 嵌入视角下大型工程项目合作网络的知识治理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2025,在研,参与
[4] 考虑容错激励与整改约束的PPP项目付费机制设计,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023-2026,在研,参与
[5] 政府和社会资本合作中项目属性、外部情境与治理工具的匹配研究. 教育部人文社会开云体育nba 项目,2023-2025,在研,参与
[6] PPP回报机制研究. 中国清洁发展机制基金管理中心, 2022-2022,在研,参与
[7] 碳排放核算方法学比较研究. 上海市节能中心,2022-2022,在研,参与
[1] Jingxin,Gao; Changzan,Duan; Jinbo,Song; Liangdong,Ma; Weiguang,Cai. PM2.5 can help adjust building's energy consumption [J]. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023. 117235.
[2] Jingxin,Gao; Jianing Zhang; Jinbo,Song; Weiguang,Cai. Reverse subsidy dilemma caused by the transformation from individual heating to central heating [J]. iScience. 2023. 105930.
[3] Gao, Jingxin; Song Jinbo; Wu Lufang. A new methodology to measure the urban construction land-use efficiency based on the two-stage DEA model [J]. Land Use Policy. 2022. 112, 105799.
[4] Gao, Jingxin, Zhong, Xiaoyang, Cai, Weiguang, Ren, Hong, Huo, Tengfei, Wang, Xia, Mi, Zhifu. Dilution effect of the building area on energy intensity in urban residential buildings[J]. Nature communications, 2019. 4944.
[5] Gao, Jingxin, Ren, Hong, Ma, Xianrui, Cai, Weiguang, Shi, Qingwei. A total energy efficiency evaluation framework based on embodied energy for the construction industry and the spatio-temporal evolution analysis[J]. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 2019. 26(8), pp. 1652-1671.
[6] Gao Jingxin, Chen Yunong, Zhong Xiaoyang, Ma Xianrui. Energy Consumption in China's Construction Industry: Energy Driving and Driven Abilities from a Regional Perspective [J]. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2021, 9(1).
[7] Gao Jingxin; Ren, Hong, Cai Weiguang. Risk assessment of construction projects in China under traditional and industrial production modes[J]. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 2019. 26(9), pp. 2147-2168.
[8] Shi, Qingwei, Ren, Hong, Cai, Weiguang*, Gao, Jingxin. How to set the proper level of carbon tax in the context of Chinese construction sector? A CGE analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019. 240,117955.
[9] Huo Tengfei, Cai Weiguang*, Ren Hong, Feng Wei, Zhu Minglei, Lang Ningning, Gao Jingxin. China's building stock estimation and energy intensity analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019. 207, pp. 801-813.
[1] 高景鑫,王鑫,宋金波.基于PPP模式的老旧小区加装电梯项目合作模式研究[J/OL].中国管理科学:1-20.
[2] 高景鑫,曾峥,柯艳艳,宋金波.考虑不可分离非期望产出的城市效率及其时空演变——基于东北地区收缩城市的实证[J].系统工程.2022:1-20.
[3] 高景鑫; 任宏; 蔡伟光; 马先睿; 唐妙涵. 居住建筑单位面积能耗的“稀释效应”研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2019, 39(3):569-577.
[4] 宋金波; 史庆斌 高景鑫.城市基础设施投资结构的动态仿真与分析以北京市为例[J]. 系统管理学报,2022.
担任《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》、《Sustainable Production and Consumption》、《Engineering, Construction And Architectural Management》、《Energy Conversion And Management》、《PLOS ONE》等期刊审稿人。