Feng Shile

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Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


  冯诗乐,男,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,国家级人才计划青年项目入选者、辽宁省优青项目和兴辽英才计划青年拔尖人才计划获得者、大连市青年科技之星、开云平台首页 “星海优青”、大连市新引进高层次人才和城市发展紧缺人才。主要致力于仿生功能表面结构设计与制造及其在流体操控、辐射制冷、防结冰和水收集等方面的性能与机理研究。

  以第一/通讯作者在Science(ESI高被引),Science Advances,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Functional Materials,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,Chemical Engineering Journal和ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等国际高水平SCI期刊上发表论文20余篇。共发表高水平SCI论文50余篇,以第一发明人身份授权中国发明专利2项。Science研究成果拓展了沿用200余年的表界面润湿性基础理论,获全球科学新闻发布平台“EurekAlert!”、Science官网和英国《泰晤士报》等媒体报道。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年科学基金、辽宁省自然科学基金优秀青年基金、大连市高层次人才创新支持计划青年科技之星项目、开云平台首页 星海学者“星海优青”项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金各1项,参与国家重点研发计划1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目6项。受到《光明日报》主管的国家级教育期刊《教育家》杂志“90后科学家”专题报道,同期全国仅7人。多次受邀在国际学术会议做大会报告,长期担任Small、ASC Applied Materials Interfaces、Advanced Materials Interfaces、ACS applied nano materials、《复合材料学报》和《化工学报》等国内外期刊审稿人。



Zhang, Renwei; Sun Ningning ; Zhao Zehong; Wang Shixu; Zhang Mengfan; Zhao Lei; Liu Yahua; Feng Shile*, Bionic dual-scale structured films for efficient passive radiative cooling accompanied by robust durability, Nanoscale Horizons, 2024, 9, 1354-1363

Yihe Liu; Haiyang Zhan; Xixing He; Mengfan Zhang; Juncheng Xue; Tianhao Ouyang; Lei Zhao; Yahua Liu; Shile Feng*, Excellent Liquid Unidirectional Transport Inner Tilted‐Sector Arrayed Tubes, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2023, 10, 2300239.

Liang Zhang; Haiyang Zhan; Yuhang Xia; Renwei Zhang; Juncheng Xue; Jiahao Yong; Lei Zhao; Yahua Liu; Shile Feng*, Efficient Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling by Hierarchically Designed Films Integrating Robust Durability, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 31994.

Xixing He; Yihe Liu; Haiyang Zhan; Yahua Liu; Lei Zhao; Shile Feng*, Bidirectional Underwater Drag Reduction on Bionic Flounder Two-Tier Structural Surfaces, Biomimetics, 2023, 8, 116.

Haiyang Zhan; Yuhang Xia; Yihe Liu; Haojie Sun; Wenna Ge; Shile Feng*; Yahua Liu*, Sustainable Droplet Manipulation on Ultrafast Lubricant Self‐Mediating Photothermal Slippery Surfaces, Advaqnced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2211317.

Chen Chen; Haiyang Zhan; Xiangge Bai; Zichao Yuan; Lei Zhao; Yahua Liu; Shile Feng*, Bionic superhydrophobic surfaces based on topography of copper oxides, Biosurface and Biotribology, 2022, 8, 199-211.

Yahua Liu; Zhixin Feng; zhan haiyang ; Wenna Ge; Yuhang Xia; Junqiu Zhang; Shile Feng*, One-Step Fabrication of Hot-Water-Repellent Surfaces, Biomimetics, 2022, 7, 72. 

Wenna Ge; Quanmao Wei; Fusheng Zhang; Zhixin Feng; Xiangge Bai; Shile Feng*; Guangyan Qing*; Yahua Liu*, Sensitive chemoselectivity of cellulose nanocrystal films, Cellulose, 2022, 29, 4097.

Yahua Liu; Peng Xu; Wenna Ge; Chenguang Lu; Yunlai Li; Shichao Niu; Junqiu Zhang; Shile Feng*, Synchronous oil/water separation and wastewater treatment on a copper-oxide-coated mesh, RSC Advances, 2021, 11, 17740.

Shile Feng#, Qianqian Wang#, Yan Xing, Yi He, XinXin Geng, Yongping Hou*, Yongmei Zheng*, Electromigration-triggered programmable droplet spreading, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 423, 130281.

Cong Liu; Chenguang Lu; Haiyang Zhan; Wenna Ge; Shile Feng*; Yahua Liu*, Multibioinspired JANUS Membranes with Spatial Surface Refreshment for Enhanced Fog Collection, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8, 2101212.

Shile Feng#; Pingan Zhu#; Huanxi Zheng; Haiyang Zhan; Chen Chen; Jiaqian Li; Liqiu Wang; Xi Yao; Yahua Liu; Zuankai Wang*, Three-dimensional capillary ratchet-induced liquid directional steering, Science, 2021, 373, 1344.

Shile Feng; Joachim Delannoy; Antoine Malod; Huanxi Zheng; David Quéré*; Zuankai Wang*, Tip-induced flipping of droplets on Janus pillars: From local reconfiguration to global transport, Science Advances, 2020, 6, eabb4540.

Cong Liu; Yunlai Li; Chenguang Lu; Ying Liu; Shile Feng*; Yahua Liu*, Robust Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Network Surfaces for Enhanced Anti-icing/Deicing Performance, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 25471.

Shile Feng; Qianqian Wang; Yan Xing; Yongping Hou*; Yongmei Zheng*, Continuous Directional Water Transport on Integrating Tapered Surfaces, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2020, 7, 2000081.

Shile Feng, Yan Xing, Siyan Deng, Weifeng Shang, Dan Li, Miaoxin Zhang, Yongping Hou*, Yongmei Zheng*, An Integrative Mesh with Dual Wettable On–Off Switch of Water/Oil, 2018, 5, 1701193.

Shile Feng, Sijie Wang, Chengcheng Liu, Yongmei Zheng* and  Yongping Hou*, Controlled droplet transport on a gradient adhesion surface, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 6010.

Shile Feng, Sijie Wang, Yuanhao Tao, Weifeng Shang, Siyan Deng, Yongmei Zheng*; Yongping Hou*, Radial Wettable Gradient of Hot Surface to Control Droplets Movement in Directions, 2015, 5, 10067.

Shile Feng, Sijie Wang,  Longcheng Gao,  Guangjun Li, Yongping Hou*,  Yongmei Zheng*, Controlled Directional Water-Droplet Spreading on a High-Adhesion Surface, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53, 6163.

Shile Feng, Yongping Hou,* Yuan Chen, Yan Xue, Yongmei Zheng* and  Lei Jiang, Water-assisted fabrication of porous bead-on-string fibers, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 8363-8366.

Shile Feng, Yongping Hou,* Yan Xue,  Longcheng Gao,* Lei Jiang and  Yongmei Zheng*, Photo-controlled water gathering on bio-inspired fibers, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9294-9297.

Educational Experience

2012.9 2017.7

  • 北京航空航天大学
  • 材料物理与化学
  • Doctoral Degree

2008.9 2012.7

  • 哈尔滨理工大学
  • 无机非金属材料
  • Bachelor's Degree

Work Experience

2019.9 Now
  • 开云平台首页 机械学院
  • 副教授
2017.9 2019.9
  • 中国香港香港城市大学
  • 博士后

Social Affiliations

Research FocusMore>>

  • 辐射制冷

  • 仿生功能表面
  • 流体可控输运