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冯卓,博士,开云平台首页 经济管理学院副教授、博士生导师,担任创新与创业研究所副所长,大连市项目管理研究会副秘书长。入选开云平台首页 “星海骨干”、“星海优青”培养计划以及首届中国管理现代化研究会“工程管理优秀青年教师”。在《管理科学学报》、《系统工程学报》、《管理工程学报》、Decision Sciences、Transportation Research Part A、Part B、Part E、Energy Economics、International Journal of Project Management、Journal of Management in Engineering等国内外高水平学术期刊发表论文20余篇,出版学术专著1部。研究成果获辽宁省哲学社会科学成果奖二等奖,中国管理学会年会优秀论文奖等。 

主要研究方向包括(1)政府与社会资本合作(PPP, Public-Private Partnership):政府与社会资本之间的合约设计、PPP项目资金结构设计等;(2)PPP与可持续发展:将PPP作为政策工具解决贫困及碳排放等可持续发展问题;(3)国际工程项目管理;(4)项目供应链管理等。所使用的主要研究方法包括博弈论、数学优化、模拟仿真及案例研究等。

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目、面上(一等)资助项目以及中国石油规划总院企业委托课题等,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、中国工程院咨询课题等。曾获经济管理学院青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖、开云平台首页 讲课竞赛三等奖、校教学质量优良奖,并获辽宁省本科教学成果奖一等奖。所撰写的教学案例入选全国百篇优秀管理案例。



1) 宋金波, 靳璐璐,赵云鹏,冯卓. 不确定条件下政府和社会资本合作项目的弹性决策机制, 2022.

2) Ying Gao, Zhuo Feng, Shuibo Zhang. International Contracting, in Building a Body of Knowledge in Construction Project Delivery, Procurement, and Contracting (edited by Migliaccio and Shrestha), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 2022.(Book Chapter)


20) 冯卓,宋金波,胡祥培. 农产品冷库 PPP 项目运营模式及政府补贴设计研究. 管理科学学报, 2022.(中文TOP)

19) Jinbo Song, Lingchuan Song, Hongyan Liu, Zhuo Feng, Ralf Muller. Rethinking project governance: Incorporating contextual and practice-based views. International Journal of Project Management, 2022, 40: 332-346.(SSCI)

18) Ying Gao, Zhuo Feng*, Shuibo Zhang. Managing supply chain resilience in the era of VUCA, Frontier of Engineering Management, 2021, 8(3): 465-470.

17) Zhuo Feng, Qiaochu He, Guangrui Ma. Mitigating poverty through solar panels adoption in developing economies. Decision Sciences. 2020.(ABS3)

16) Shuai Li, Jiannan Cai, Zhuo Feng, Yifang Xu, Hubo Cai. Government contracting with monopoly in infrastructure provision: Regulation or deregulation? Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2019, 122: 506-523.(ABS3)

15) Jinbo Song, Yi Li, Zhuo Feng*, Huanming Wang. Cluster analysis of the intellectual structure of PPP research. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2019, 35(1): 04018053.(JCR一区)

14) Zhuo Feng, Yiwen Zhang, Shuibo Zhang, Jinbo Song. Contracting and renegotiating with a loss-averse private firm in BOT road projects. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2018, 112: 40-72.(ABS4)

13) Yiwen ZhangZhuo Feng*, Shuibo Zhang, Jinbo Song. The effects of service level on BOT transport project contract. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 118: 184-206.(ABS3) 

12) Jinbo Song, Yanzhu Yu, Lulu Jin, Zhuo Feng. Early termination compensation under demand uncertainty in public-private partnership projects. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 2018, 22: 532-543.(SSCI)

11) Yiwen Zhang, Zhuo Feng*, Shuibo Zhang. The effects of concession period structures on BOT road contracts. Transportation Research Part A: Policy & Practice, 2018, 107: 106-125.(ABS3)

10) Jinbo Song, Yibo Hu, Zhuo Feng. Factors Influencing Early Termination of PPP Projects in China. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2018, 34: 05017008.(JCR一区)

9) Bing Wang, Shuibo Zhang, Xiuqin Wang, Zhuo Feng. The influence of quality benefit and marginal contribution on the optimal equity structure of the PPP projects: Balancing public and private benefits. Construction Management and Economics, 2018, 36: 611-622.(EI)

8) Zhuo Feng, Shuibo Zhang, Ying Gao, Shuaijun Zhang. Subsidizing and pricing private toll roads with noncontractible service quality: A relational contract approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2016, 91: 466-491.(ABS4)

7) Zhuo Feng, Shuibo Zhang, Ying Gao. Modeling the impact of government guarantees on toll, quality, and capacity choice under demand uncertainty for Build-Operate-Transfer road projects. Transportation Research Part A: Policy & Practice, 2015, 78: 54-67.(ABS3)

6) Zhuo Feng, Shuibo Zhang, Ying Gao. On oil investment and production: A comparison of production sharing contracts and buyback contracts. Energy Economics, 2014, 42: 395-402.(ABS3)

5) Shuibo Zhang, Ying Gao, Zhuo Feng, Weizhuo Sun. PPP application in infrastructure development in China: Institutional analysis and implications. International Journal of Project Management, 2015, 33: 497-509.(SSCI)

4) 高颖, 张水波, 冯卓. 不完全合约下 PPP 项目的运营期延长决策机制. 管理科学学报, 2014, 17: 48-57.(中文TOP)

3) 冯卓, 张水波, 高颖. BOT 道路项目单阶段与两阶段特许期结构比较研究. 系统工程学报, 2016, 8:451-459.(中文A类)

2) 高颖, 张水波, 冯卓. PPP 项目运营期间需求量下降情形下的补偿机制研究. 管理工程学报, 2015, 29: 93-102.(中文A类)

1) Zhuo Feng, Shuibo Zhang, Ying Gao, Fei Kang. Bidding decision making in construction industry: an analysis based on procedural rationality[C]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1981-1985, 2012.(EI)


1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,韧性视角下海外基础设施项目合约网络设计及均衡决策研究,2022.1-2025.12.(主持人)

2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,损失厌恶行为下考虑再谈判的 PPP 项目初始合约设计研究,2018.1-2020.12.(主持人)

3) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,不确定条件下垃圾焚烧发电 PPP 项目的合约设计研究,2017.6-2019.6.(主持人)

4) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助,BOT 项目的政府补贴研究:基于行为的视角,2016.11-2018.11.(主持人)

5) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,新型城镇化发展进程中的项目治理研究,2018.1-2022.12.(参加人)

6) 中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院,天然气客户与市场博弈均衡模型研发,2022.01-2023.12.(主持人)

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