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教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。致力于“长大桥梁健康运维”领域的理论方法、技术标准和工程应用研究,在桥梁隐蔽缺陷精准探测、承载能力快速评估、动力性能监测预警三个方向取得创新成果,研发了具备自主产权的桥梁结构多场特征参量协同感测技术与装备,建立了桥梁运营模态测点优化布设、在线追踪辨识及趋势预测理论,提出了大数据驱动的桥梁性能演化分析、诊断评估和风险预警方法;主持国家“973计划”青年科学家首席项目、国家首批优秀青年科学基金、国家基金委首批原创探索计划项目等纵向科研项目10余项;论文发表在《J. Eng. Mech.-ASCE》、《J. Bridge Eng.-ASCE》等本领域主流期刊,荣获中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文、美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)期刊年度最佳论文、英国物理学会(IOP)期刊封面论文、世界交通运输大会(WTC)优秀论文等荣誉;作为主要起草人完成《结构健康监测系统设计标准》(CECS 333)、《结构健康监测系统施工及验收标准》(T/CECS 765)、《结构健康监测系统运行维护与管理标准》(T/CECS 652)、《结构健康监测海量数据处理标准》(T/CCES 16)等监测技术全系列标准的制定;成果在广州珠江黄埔大桥(双塔单跨钢箱梁悬索桥,主跨1108m)、宁波象山港大桥(双塔双索面斜拉桥,主跨688m)、沈阳伯官大桥(中承式飘带型提篮拱桥,主跨120m)、杭州九堡大桥(结合梁钢拱组合体系拱桥,主跨210m)、舟山甬东至长峙大桥(双独塔钢箱梁斜塔斜拉桥,主跨160m)、宁波清水浦大桥(联塔分幅双塔四索面斜拉桥,主跨468m)等得到应用,解决了多项“疑、难、急、险”工程技术问题;荣获国家技术发明二等奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、辽宁省科技进步一等奖、中国公路学会科学技术一等奖、日内瓦国际发明展览会金奖等科技奖励,以及中国青年科技奖、全国优秀科技工作者、教育部青年科学奖、霍英东青年教师奖、Elsevier中国高被引学者、ICCEE杰出科学家奖、斯坦福大学全球前2%科学家榜单等学术荣誉;兼任国际智能基础设施结构健康监测学会(ISHMII)理事及青年学者委员会理事长、中国振动工程学会常务理事、中国公路学会桥梁和结构工程分会常务理事等,以及《Engineering》、《Measurement》、《土木工程学报》、《中国公路学报》、《建筑结构学报》、《振动工程学报》等期刊编委。
01. S.W. Lin, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li, L. Ren. Damage detection in the cable structures of a bridge using the virtual distortion method. Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 2017, 22(8): 04017039.
02. H.B. Huang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li. Bayesian combination of weighted principal component analysis for diagnosing sensor faults in structural monitoring systems. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2017, 143(9): 04017088.
03. D.H. Yang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li. Coupled fatigue-corrosion failure analysis and performance assessment of RC bridge deck slabs. Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 2017, 22(10): 04017077.
04. H.B. Huang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li. Sensor fault diagnosis for structural health monitoring based on statistical hypothesis test and missing variable approach. Journal of Aerospace Engineering-ASCE, 2017, 30(2): B4015003.
05. G.D. Zhou, T.H. Yi*, B. Chen. Innovative design of a health monitoring system and its implementation in a complicated long-span arch bridge. Journal of Aerospace Engineering-ASCE, 2017, 30(2): B4016006.
06. H.B. Huang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li, H. Liu. New representative temperature for performance alarming of bridge expansion joints through temperature-displacement relationship. Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 2018, 23(7): 04018043.
07. D.H. Yang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li, H. Liu. Correlation-based estimation method for cable-stayed bridge girder deflection variability under thermal action. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities-ASCE, 2018, 32(5): 04018070.
08. G.D. Zhou*, T.H. Yi, B. Chen, X. Chen. Modeling deformation induced by thermal loading using long-term bridge monitoring data. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities-ASCE, 2018, 32(3): 04018011.
09. C.X. Qu, T.H. Yi*, Y.Z. Zhou, H.N. Li, Y.F. Zhang. Frequency identification of practical bridges through higher order spectrum. Journal of Aerospace Engineering-ASCE, 2018, 31(3): 04018018.
10. T.H. Yi*, X.J. Yao, C.X. Qu, H.N. Li. Clustering number determination for sparse component analysis during output-only modal identification. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2019, 145(1): 04018122.
11. X. Zheng, D.H. Yang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li, Z.W. Chen. Bridge influence line identification based on regularized least squares QR decomposition method. Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 2019, 24(8): 06019004.
12. X.M. Yang, T.H. Yi*, C.X. Qu, H.N. Li, H. Liu. Automated eigensystem realization algorithm for operational modal identification of bridge structures. Journal of Aerospace Engineering-ASCE, 2019, 32(2): 04018148.
13. H.B. Huang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li, H. Liu. Strain-based performance warning method for bridge main-girders under varying operating conditions. Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 2020, 25(4): 04020013.
14. X.M. Yang, T.H. Yi*, C.X. Qu, H.N. Li, H. Liu. Modal identification of high-speed railway bridges through free-vibration detection. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2020, 146(9): 04020107.
15. H.B. Huang, T.H. Yi*, H.N. Li. Anomaly identification of structural health monitoring data using dynamic independent component analysis. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering-ASCE, 2020, 34(5): 04020025.
16. G.M. Wu, T.H. Yi*, D.H. Yang, H.N. Li. Damage detection of tension pendulums in cable-stayed bridges using structural modal frequencies. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities-ASCE, 2021, 35(1): 04020126.
17. G.D. Zhou*, T.H. Yi, M.X. Xie, H.N. Li, J.H. Xu. Optimal wireless sensor placement in structural health monitoring emphasizing information effectiveness and network performance. Journal of Aerospace Engineering-ASCE, 2021, 34(2): 04020112.
18. M.S. Xue, T.H. Yi*, C.X. Qu, H.N. Li. Structural modal flexibility identification through a novel mode selection method. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2021, 147(3): 06021001.
19. G.M. Wu, T.H. Yi*, D.H. Yang, H.N. Li. Damage identification of tie-down cables in cable-stayed bridges using vehicle-induced displacement. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities-ASCE, 2021, 35(3): 04021011.
20. X. Zheng, T.H. Yi*, D.H. Yang, H.N. Li. Stiffness estimation of girder bridges using influence lines identified from vehicle-induced structural responses. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2021, 147(8): 04021042.
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- 结构健康监测与安全性评估