个人信息Personal Information
主要任职:Director, State Key laboratory of Fine Chemicals
学科:应用化学. 精细化工. 化学生物学
联系方式:开云平台首页 精细化工国家重点实验室 西部校区化工实验楼F-202 辽宁省大连市高新区凌工路2号,大连116024 Tel: 0411-84986306; Fax: 0411-84986292;课题组网址:http://peng-group.dlut.edu.cn/
- [1]Yang, Mingwang, Zhang, Junwei, Shabat, Doron, 樊江莉, 彭孝军.Near-Infrared Chemiluminescent Probe for Real-Time Monitoring Singlet Oxygen in Cells and Mice ...[J],ACS SENSORS,2021,5(10):3158-3164
- [2]贤丽曼, 葛浩英, 徐宁, 徐峰, 姚起超, 樊江莉, 龙飒然, 彭孝军.Self-Assembly Trigger Signal Amplification for MicroRNA Sensing in Living Cells with GSH-Cleavabl...[J],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2021,59(47):20582-20590
- [3]赵宇辉, 李明乐, 龙飒然, 樊江莉, 彭孝军.极性敏感的BDP 分子溶剂化效应的光谱性质[J],高等学校化学学报,2021,41(9):2018-2024
- [4]Gu, Kaizhi, Zhu, Wei-Hong, 彭孝军.Enhancement strategies of targetability, response and photostability for in vivo bioimaging[J],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2021,62(2):189-198
- [5]Li, Mingle, 彭孝军, Xia, Jin, Tian, Ruisong, 王静云, 樊江莉, 杜健军, 龙飒然, Song, Xiangzhi, Foley, James W..Near-Infrared Light-Initiated Molecular Superoxide Radical Generator: Rejuvenating Photodynamic...[J],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021,140(44):14851-14859
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- [8]Zhu, Hao, 樊江莉, 杜健军, 彭孝军.Fluorescent Probes for Sensing and Imaging within Specific Cellular Organelles[J],ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH,2021,49(10):2115-2126
- [9]李晓静, 孙文, 张震, 康垚, 樊江莉, 彭孝军.Red Light-Triggered Polyethylene Glycol Deshielding from Photolabile Cyanine-Modified Mesoporous ...[J],ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS,2021,3(11):8084-8093
- [10]李晓静, 孙文, 康垚, 樊江莉, 彭孝军.PEG 化羟基磷灰石纳米体系的制备及双通道荧光成像[J],化工学报,2021,71(10):4808-4819
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- [12]李海东, Kim, Dayeh, 姚起超, 葛浩英, Chung, Jeewon, 樊江莉, 王静云, 彭孝军, Yoon, Juyoung.Activity-Based NIR Enzyme Fluorescent Probes for the Diagnosis of Tumors and Image-Guided Surgery[J],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021
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- [14]Shi, Chao, Sun, Wen, 杜健军, 龙飒然, 王静云, 彭孝军, Li, Mingle, Zhang, Zhen, Yao, Qichao, 邵堃, Xu, Feng, Ning, Haidong, 樊江莉.Catalase-based liposomal for reversing immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and enhanced ca...[J],BIOMATERIALS,2021,233:119755
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- [17]Zhang Boyue, Yuan Haibo, Li Jianghua, Liu Long, 彭孝军.Immobilization of the engineered Raoultella ornithinolytica BF60 for biocatalytic synthesis of 2,...[J],Journal of microbiology and biotechnology,2021
- [18]Ucar, Esma, Xi, Dongmei, Seven, Ozlem, Kaya, Cansu, 彭孝军, Sun, Wen, Akkaya, Engin U.."Off-on'' switching of intracellular singlet oxygen release under biocompatible conditions[J],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2021,55(92):13808-13811
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