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白玉,工学博士,开云平台首页 材料科学与工程学院副教授,硕士生导师、博士生导师,入选大连市高层次人才“青年才俊”。主要从事金属结构材料的晶粒细化强韧化设计,块体超细晶金属材料的制备及其变形行为等方面的研究工作。在Acta Materialia,Scripta Materialia,Journal  of Materials Science & Technology,Materials Science and Engineering A等期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇。


1. Wenxue Fan, Yu Bai*, Guoliang Zuo, Hai Hao*. The control of NbBparticles in Al-NbBmaster alloy and its effect on grain refinement of AZ91 magnesium alloy, Materials  Science and Engineering A, 854 (2022) 143808.

2. Wenxue Fan, Yu Bai*, Guoliang Zuo, Yapeng Sima, Hai Hao*. Preparation of Al-CeO2-Mg grain refiner for AZ31 Mg alloy via novel direct melt reaction process, Materials Letters, 325 (2022) 132881.

3. Wenxue Fan, Yu Bai*, Guangyang Li, Xingyang Chang, Hai Hao*. Enhanced mechanical properties and stretch formability of the hot-rolled Mg-Zn-Mn alloy by Ca/Sm alloying, Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 32 (2022) 1119-1132.

4. Yu Bai*, Hiroki Kitamura, Si Gao, Yanzhong Tian, Nokeun Park, Myeong-heom Park, Hiroki Adachi, Akinobu Shibata, Masugu Sato, Mitsuhiro Murayama, Nobuhiro Tsuji*. Unique transition of yielding mechanism and unexpected activation of deformation twinning in ultrafine grained Fe-31Mn-3Al-3Si alloy, Scientific Reports, 11 (2021) 15870.

5. Chang-Yu Hung*, Yu Bai, Nobuhiro Tsuji, Mitsuhiro Murayama*. Grain size altering yielding mechanism in ultrafine grained high-Mn austenitic steel: advanced TEM investigations, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 86 (2021) 192-203.

6. Sukyoung Hwang*, Myeong-Heom Park*, Yu Bai*, Akinobu Shibata, Wenqi Mao, Hiroki Adachi, Masugu Sato, Nobuhiro Tsuji*. Mesoscopic nature of serration behavior in high-Mn austenitic steel, Acta Materialia, 205 (2021) 116543.

7. Y. Bai*, Y. Matsui, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji. Effect of thermomechanical processing at alpha + gamma two-phase temperatures on microstructure and mechanical property of 5Mn-0.1C-2Si medium-manganese steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 743 (2019) 57-66.

8. Feifei Hou, Yu Bai*, Akinobu Shibata, Nobuhiro Tsuji. Microstructure evolution during thermomechanical processing in 3Mn-0.1C medium manganese steel, Materials Science and Technology, 35 (2019) 2101-2108.

9. Yu Bai*, Yanzhong Tian, Si Gao, Akinobu Shibata, Nobuhiro Tsuji. Hydrogen embrittlement behaviors of ultrafine-grained 22Mn-0.6C austenitic TWIP steel. Journal of Materials Research, 32 (2017) 4592-4604.

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