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Structural and Human Health Monitoring using Multifunctional Materials and Tomography

2016年12月22日 17:24  点击:[]

报告题目:Structural and Human Health Monitoring using Multifunctional Materials and Tomography

报告人:Kenneth J. Loh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in the Department of Structural Engineering

Active, Responsive, Multifunctional, and Ordered-materials Research (ARMOR) Laboratory

University of California, San Diego





Dr.Kenneth Loh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Structural Engineering and leads the Active, Responsive, Multifunctional, and Ordered-materials Research (ARMOR) Lab at the University of California-SanDiego. Prior to this, he was at UC Davis in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering as an Assistant Professor from 2009 and then promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2014. Dr. Loh received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 2004. He continued his graduate studies at the University of Michigan, where he completed two M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering (2005) and Materials Science & Engineering (2008), as well as a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in 2008. His research interests include multifunctional materials, nanocomposites, scalable nano-manufacturing, and human performance sensing. His recent honors include the NSF CAREERA ward, Achenbach Medal, Fulbright Scholar, Joseph Wang Award, and SPIE Senior Member honor.



Structural systems are susceptible to damage and, if they're main undetected, can propagate to cause catastrophic failure. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is crucial for identifying damage initiation, directing repair, and ensuring system safety/reliability. However, many catastrophic structural failures can be traced back to human factors that contributed to the incident. Therefore, in order to ensure structural safety and to prevent future accidents from occurring, both the health of the structure and the well-being of the human operator need to be monitored. This presentation outlines a new paradigm shift in SHM, where sensors are designed from a materials perspective stemming from a “bottom-up” design methodology. Multifunctional materials can be designed with precise engineering functionalities suitable for monitoring the structure and the human operator. The presentation is divided into three parts. First, the design and fabrication of nanocomposite sensors sensitive to different external stimuli will be discussed. Second, by coupling the films with an electrical impedance tomography (EIT) algorithm, these “sensing skins” can localize and characterize damage severity. Last, a unique noncontact tomography method is employed to enable noninvasive structural sensing. An added advantage of this technique is that surface and subsurface “damage” features can be identified and located. This work presents these techniques in the context of SHM and human health monitoring, including both numerical simulations and experimental test studies.




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